Enjoy peace and tranquility


This Arboretum was planted in 1982 after first removing the remains of a fir plantation and then growing a season of potatoes to clean the soil. The trees and a few rhododendrons around the perimeter are now beginning to mature. This is a very restful place and visitors love to walk through and sit on the conveniently situated seats to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the area.
Don’t miss:
  • Among the firs there is a beautifully shaped Abies Koreana with its striking blue cones.
  • Bark spotting – the Prunus Serrula with its wonderful red bark set against the cream bark of Betula Costata and the white bark of Betula Jacquemontii.
  • Autumn scent – A ring of several Clerodendrum Trichotomum with their powerful scent fill the air in Autumn, and the glorious colour of the acers and parrotia go out in a blaze at the end of the season.